Learning at Gressenhall Environment Hub

On this page
The Gressenhall Environment Hub offers a range of school events that will help you explore a wide range of environmental themes with your class covering the history, geography and science curriculums. Our outreach programme can bring the learning to you.
Please note: please contact us if you cannot find a suitable day. We will do our best to accommodate you. We are also happy to discuss with you how you would like us to tailor activities to support your needs.
For more information, enquiries and bookings please contact gressenhall.museum@norfolk.gov.uk or call 01362 860563.

Food and Farming (Key Stage 1)

Find out where our food comes from with an active day on the farm and in the garden. Help the farmer with the work on our traditional farm, meet the animals and see how we grow wheat to make bread. Explore our cottage garden and enjoy a drama session all about growing plants.
Full day, £6 per child
The Greatest Invention Ever! (Science and History Key Stage 2)

Where did it all go wrong? This cross-curricular activity day will visit four moments in human history when humans changed the world. Explore our collections and discover the dangerous environmental consequences of some of our greatest ideas. Your class will plough a Neolithic field, help cast a bronze age axe, harness the power of steam and explore the miraculous properties of plastics.
This day will explore the history of climate change and environmental destruction and challenge learners to think about how we can make changes that will lead to a more sustainable future.
Full day, £6 per child
Homes or Habitats? (Geography Key Stage 3)

A planning application has been made to build houses on the Gressenhall farm site. Your students must decide what is to be done. They take part in activities on both the farm and museum site, asking a local environmentalist, museum curator, the farmer and the housing developer questions and conclude by debating the development of the site at a planning enquiry. Will they back homes or habitats?
This day will help students explore environmental solutions to the housing crisis and look at how climate change will impact how we build in the future.
Full day, £6 per student
Dates available by request. Please contact us and we will try to accommodate you.
The Environment Hub Outreach Programme
We've designed our outreach programme to support schools in Norfolk who wish to improve:
- Biodiversity in their grounds
- Their climate change resilience
We use our collections to inspire your pupils. The programme supports you in the delivery of the KS1 and KS2 science, history, and geography curriculum.
We encourage first time bookers to start with the Habitats and Humans workshop. Then we suggest following up with one of our other workshops, which each focus on the history and creation of a specific semi-natural habitat. However, you can book any workshop in any order if you so desire!
Our programme can be a great compliment to other environmental work your school is doing. This might include Eco schools or the National Nature Parks programme.
We will add more workshops soon, so do check this page regularly to see what else we have to offer!
Habitats and Humans: The history of Norfolk's landscape (Science, History and Geography Key Stage 2)

An Environment Hub outreach session - let us come to you! Travel back in time to see how your local landscape has changed over the last 12,000 years! This object rich workshop weaves together the history of your local area through the story of farming. To bring to life the change in landscape which humans have created we use:
- Real artifacts
- Ancient fossils
- Zoological specimens
- Online mapping tools
- An interactive diorama of your local area
Half day workshop, £60 per session.
Dates available: Mondays and Tuesdays. Please contact us and we will try to accommodate you.
Habitats and Humans: The history of Norfolk's landscape information sheet (PDF, 135 KB)