Creativity and wellbeing inspired by Lorina Bulwer

Lorina Bulwer was an inmate in Great Yarmouth Workhouse during the reign of Queen Victoria.
During Lorina's time at the workhouse, around fifteen years, she created embroidered letters. The letters were made by creating a patchwork of fabric to stitch the text on to. We call them samplers because they are similar to the needlework samplers made to teach embroidery to young girls. Lorina was provided with the materials to do this, including fabric and thread.
On her samplers Lorina mainly stitched words, all in capital letters with no punctuation. They read as a constant stream of thought, sometimes angry, sometimes funny. They provide us with an insight into her mind as well as the world of the workhouse.
We have created a resource pack (PDF, 1 MB) providing an introduction to Lorina Bulwer, her embroidered samplers and activities inspired by her work. We do hope you enjoy learning about Lorina's work.
Children inspired activities
Lorina Bulwer was an artist with a difference!
The activities in this pack are inspired by her life and work (PDF, 804 KB).
This activity is suitable for ages 7 - 14.