Craft corner

Children-inspired activities
It is time to get artistic with our creative craft activities, specifically designed for children to enjoy at home. From potato printing to journey crowns, bird feeder to a peg horse, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Each activity uses simple materials found in your craft cupboard and our how-to videos.
Access our children's craft activities playlist on YouTube
For 2 of the crafts you will need the following instructions:
This activity is suitable for age 3+.
Colour me in
Grab the crayons and let your creativity shine with our colouring in sheets.
- Draw a farmyard scene (PDF, 563 KB)
- Chicken (PDF, 1 MB)
- Cow (PDF, 499 KB)
- Farm sign (PDF, 412 KB)
- Garden vegetables (PDF, 1 MB)
- Gressenhall Farm (PDF, 587 KB)
- Pig (PDF, 679 KB)
- Suffolk Punch horse (PDF, 719 KB)
- Sunflower (PDF, 820 KB)
- Working the Farm (PDF, 937 KB)
This activity is suitable for age 3+.
Wordsearch, bingo, scavenger hunt and more!
Browse our range of activity sheets, perfect for keeping the little ones entertained.
- Farm bingo (to be enjoyed when visiting Gressenhall Farm) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Common bird spotter (PDF, 1 MB)
- I spy (PDF, 136 KB)
- Natural treasure scavenger hunt (PDF, 470 KB)
- Gressenhall wordsearch (PDF, 157 KB)
This activity is suitable for age 5+.
Create a wildlife themed puppet
Create your own wildlife themed puppet using our simple craft sheets (below) and everyday objects in your home.
Create your own Workhouse doll
These activity packs show you how to create your own Workhouse inmate. You could follow our suggestions or invent your own version! A princess... a witch... a spaceman... go wild!
This activity is suitable for age 5+, though a little help from a grown up is required to create a spoon doll.
Share your creations with us
Remember to share pictures of your creations with us on social media, we love seeing what you have made.
Snap it, share it, #Gressenhall
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